We help invest in Emerging and Frontier Markets

Windermere advises private companies, asset managers, and multi-family offices on global markets. Windermere also invests in Seed and Series A stage companies, based outside traditional geographies, who are innovating and re-defining lifestyles for a growing developing world middle class.


What we look for?

  • Companies with an impressive growth profile and future proof business models.

  • Companies with a focus on the growing Emerging Market/Frontier Market consumer and their disposable income.

  • Private Equity: Early-stage company with sustainable and scalable business model and potential for high return

  • Line of business that matches area of expertise of our members

  • Private Equity: Businesses that require investment to reach the “next level”

  • Valuation in line with early-stage opportunities

  • Proprietary technology or other proprietary position.

What do we offer?

  • Asset Management advisory

  • Company analysis and trade execution strategy

  • Access to a pool of private equity investments in Emerging and Frontier Markets.

  • Asset raising & Deal structuring

  • Board of Directors member

  • Legal support (offering documents, entity formation, etc.)

  • US, European and MENA Investor access

  • Executive recruiting support

Where we invest?

  • Thesis: Emerging markets have 70% of the world's population but account for only 35% of global GDP. That's about to change as increasing population growth and urbanization equals a growing middle class population in these countries. Consumer spending in developing countries is expected to grow three times faster than in developed nations, reaching $6 trillion by 2020. 

    This impending demographic shift could benefit companies that serve this new class of consumers, who will expand by 3 billion over the next two decades. With higher incomes, spending on necessities like food and apparel, as well as on discretionary items such as automobiles and travel, stands to grow in the long run. And that could drive outperforming growth for companies and startups focused on this discretionary spend.

  • Geography: Emerging and Frontier Markets. With more of a focus outside of the larger G7 economies.

  • Private Equity Sector Focus: Growth Sectors taking advantage of rising disposable income. Ride share, E-Commerce; E-sports, Leisure, Hospitality and Recreation. Sub-sectors including AI and Tech.


Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities working with Asset Managers and founders from around the world. Please get in touch and one of our partners will contact you about beginning the proposal process.