Asset Management Advisory


Market Intelligence

Windermere provides its clients with diverse and unique perspectives in Emerging Markets. We provide insights on trends and developments affecting investors and market participates. We provide in-depth strategy in regards to market sentiment, technological disrupters, changing political and fiscal landscape, as well as deciphering the daily noise from the trading floors. We are experts in Emerging and Frontier Markets.

Portfolio Construction

Windermere advises actively managed funds and multi-family offices on Portfolio Construction. We meet with management of companies and conduct analysis on future earnings growth. We identify and tailor-make investment opportunities for our clients. We separate the wheat from the chaff.

Illiquid Block Trading

Windermere has over 20 years experience in trading illiquid markets. In the age of digitalization or “RobinHood” platforms, Windermere has the expertise in sourcing hidden opportunites in public markets. We are experts in executing block build-up or disposal in lesser liquid names. Though our industry contacts, Windermere provides advice on stealth transacting in markets. We believe in discretion and believe discretion is key to success.


Let us work with you

We are continuously conducting research and market analysis for our clients and for the funds we help manage. We are committed to give our clients access to high-quality investment ideas, tailored to their jurisdiction, investment goals and attitude to risk. Please feel free to contact us.